Picasso Load Image from Filesystem

Picasso Load image from filesystem

Of course you can. Its actually pretty straight forward:

File f = new File("path-to-file/file.png");


File f = new File(uri);





I want to load an image using Picasso from a file path

Use this
Picasso.with(context).load(Uri.parse("file://" + yourFilePath).into(imageView);

Loading Images With Picasso From The Internal Storage

First of all, obtain the path of the image to be loaded. Then, you can use

Picasso.with(context).load(new File(path)).into(imageView);

to load the image into an ImageView.

How to load image from url into imageview in widget using picasso

I think the problem is in your Picasso code.
First check data[position].imagepath return the correct image path.
If you still have the problem then try to show image into only one view.
For example you use:
rv is a image view


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