Permission Denial: This Requires Android.Permission.Interact_Across_Users_Full


java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: get/set setting for
user asks to run as user -2 but is calling from user 0; this requires

Add this android:protectionLevel="signature" in your manifest .

For more details, you can check Permission-Element


<permission android:name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL" android:protectionLevel="signature"/>

android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL on older Android versions

You are trying to add a signature level permision, which would not work unless your app has the same signature with the android device you are trying to run your app on, this feature is mostly unavailable to most developers and varies with API.

For more info read the Android Developers page

Permission Denial: this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL

According to this answer: android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL is a signature level permission. Your app will not be able to use it until and unless it has the same signature as the system.

Which is not something you can achieve unless you either are the creator or the system build, or collaborating with them such that they are willing to sign your apk with their certificate. In other words, this is off limits for most developers.

Flutter build fails in Samsung phone , Permission Denial: broadcast from android asks to run as user -1 but is calling from user 0

This is an issue with latest Flutter version , I fixed it with the below eidt ,

This is a workaround and it works for me .

  1. go to MainActivity.kt
  2. Import import android.os.Build
  3. Paste this
    override fun onFlutterUiDisplayed() {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 100) { //I gave 100 just to confirm , it shoud be android ver 10

  1. flutter clean
  2. flutter run

What do I do about: this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL

android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL is a signature level permission. Your app will not be able to use it until and unless it has the same signature as the system.

RuntimeException Unable to start activity: Permission Denial: broadcast from android asks to run as user -1 but is calling from user 0

Add this android:protectionLevel="signature" in your manifest .

For more details, you can check Permission-Element


<permission android:name="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL" android:protectionLevel="signature"/>

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