I Want My Recyclerview to Not Recycle Some Items

I want my RecyclerView to not recycle some items

Use this:

recyclerView.getRecycledViewPool().setMaxRecycledViews(TYPE_CAROUSEL, 0);

This will not recycle any view of viewType TYPE_CAROUSEL but if the item count of this type is very high, then it will reduce your performance significantly, maybe even cause OOMEs


After reading MML13's answer, I think it might work for you. You are worried about items of your carousel being reinflated when that view is rebinded in outer RecyclerView. If all those carousel's are of same type, i.e., they all use same adapter, you can keep the adapter inside outer RecyclerView's ViewHolder, and just swap out data and call notifyDataSetChanged() or notifyItemRangeChanged(...) on this adapter when it's rebinded. This will recycle all carousel views and all views inside those carousels.

How to make RecyclerView stops recycling defined positions?

In your getItemViewType(int position) method of adapter, assign unique values for each video, so it will always return same ViewHolder for same video as you wish.

  • return unique positive number as type for each video type (here i used the adapter position as unique key)
  • return negative numbers for any non-video items. (nothing special here, just to avoid conflicts with video items, we use negative numbers for non-video items)

I hope you get the idea. cheers :)

public int getItemViewType(int position) {
// Just as an example, return 0 or 2 depending on position
// Note that unlike in ListView adapters, types don't have to be contiguous
return position;

return -1;//indicates general type, if you have more types other than video, you can use -1,-2,-3 and so on.

public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
switch (viewType) {
case -1: View view1 = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext())
.inflate(R.layout.general_item, parent, false);
return new GeneralViewHolder(view1);
default:View view2 = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext())
.inflate(R.layout.video_item, parent, false);
return new VideoViewHolder(view2);


Avoid recycling of the items in the Recyclerview

Have you considered using ScrollView instead? You could include the different layout types you want to use inside the ScrollView, and there you would not get recycling behavior.

If that is not good enough, than I would sudgest to stick with recycler view, and not worry about views getting recycled, because it is not much of a big deal.

But if you are still convinced that you need a recycler view without the recycling behavior, you could try viewHolder.setIsRecyclable(false); on every viewholder instantiation, that way they won't get recycled.

Android RecyclerView doesn't recycle items

Since your inner RV's height is set to wrap_content there is no way to enable recycling for that case. When its horizontal, recycling is working because it's width is match_parent and screen width is fixed. Recycling works only when there is defined height!

However, as i said there is room for optimization:

Right now, you are creating adapter for inner RV inside parent RV's onBindViewHolder() method, thus forcing inner RV to inflate ViewHolders every time parent RV decides to reuse it's previous ViewHolders via rebinding new values.

You can create adapters for inner RV inside onCreateVoewHolder() of parent RV and submit new list to inner adapter ( subsequently calling notifyDatasetChanged() ) inside OnBindViewHolder().

The above approach should certainly improve performance, at least on subsequent scrolling: recycling will work on parent RV scroll, meaning inner RV will retain its ViewHolders and reuse them to some degree.

Unfortunately, i don't have time to post snippet precisely for your scenario but you can have a look at my another answer:
Show values of same key in one TextView in Recyclerview

Android RecyclerView prevent recycling all items

The problem is that you should swap items in ListAdapter.mDiffer which holds the current showing list. So, globalItemList in your code is unused. Replace onRowMoved of your adapter with the following one:

public void onRowMoved(int fromPosition, int toPosition) {
ArrayList<Shoppinglist> list = new ArrayList(getCurrentList());
Collections.swap(list, fromPosition, toPosition);

Don't recycle specific view type in RecyclerView

use recyclerView.getRecycledViewPool().setMaxRecycledViews(YOUR_VIEW_TYPE, 0); This will disable recycling of the specified view type

Prevent the adapter from recycling views on scroll ( Edit do not ever do this.)

Prevent the adapter from recycling views on scroll

Just don't use the convertView param passed to getView() and always return a freshly generated View.

However, this is a bad solution in terms of performance. Instead, your goal should not be to prevent recycling but to recycle correcltly: Your getView() should reset the convertView to it's pristine state.

So, if there's a change that some of your Button's properties are changed from their non-default values, reset them back to defaults in getView().

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