How to Remove Bottom Navigation View and Toolbar in Some Fragments If Using Navigation Controller

how to remove bottom navigation view and toolbar in some fragments if using navigation controller?

More concise is to use a navigationlistener. This way you only need 1 function in your MainActivity and no code in all the fragments where you want to hide the bottomnavigation or any other UI element (like toolbar). Place this function inside your onCreate from your MainActivity.

My function looks like this:

private fun visibilityNavElements(navController: NavController) {
navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, destination, _ ->
when ( {,,, -> bottom_nav?.visibility = View.GONE
else -> bottom_nav?.visibility = View.VISIBLE

I use Kotlin Android Extensions to directly access views by there id (no findViewById needed).

how to hide BottomNavigationView on android-navigation lib

You could do something like this in your activity's onCreate. When ever an item in the nav bar is selected it will show or hide the nav based on the fragment id's.

private fun setupNav() {
val navController = findNavController(

navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, destination, _ ->
when ( { -> showBottomNav() -> showBottomNav()
else -> hideBottomNav()

private fun showBottomNav() {
bottomNav.visibility = View.VISIBLE


private fun hideBottomNav() {
bottomNav.visibility = View.GONE


How to Hide Bottom Bar Nav.. When following single Activity design?

I added this line of code to the onCreate method:

// hiding bottom bar
navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, nd: NavDestination, _ ->
// the IDs of fragments as defined in the `navigation_graph`
if ( == || ==
|| ==
) {
navView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
navView.visibility = View.GONE

How to hide the bottom navigation bar in certain fragments?

For your fragment where it should be visible

navView.visibility = View.VISIBLE

Where it shouldn't be visible

navView.visibility = View.GONE

Hide Bottom Navigation View in fragment

If your code follows single activity design pattern then the following solution suites you.

  1. Create a method inside the parent activity to hide/show bottomNavigationView.
  2. Create a BaseFragment class(create your fragments by extending this BaseFragment Class)
  3. In the BaseFragment create a variable to hold the bottomNavigationViewVisibility (hide/show)
  4. In onActivityCreated method of the BaseFragment, get the activity reference and set the bottomNavigationViewVisibility by calling the method which we created in STEP1.
  5. In each fragment you create, just set the bottomNavigationViewVisibility variable.

In parentAcitivty layout, file add bottomNavigationView

app:menu="@menu/main_nav" />

Step 1: In parent activity, create a method to change the visibility.

 fun setBottomNavigationVisibility(visibility: Int) {
// get the reference of the bottomNavigationView and set the visibility.
activityMainBinding.mainBottomNavigationView.visibility = visibility

Step 2 & 3 & 4:

    abstract class BaseFragment : Fragment() {

protected open var bottomNavigationViewVisibility = View.VISIBLE

override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// get the reference of the parent activity and call the setBottomNavigationVisibility method.
if (activity is MainActivity) {
var mainActivity = activity as MainActivity
override fun onResume() {
if (activity is MainActivity) {

Step 5:

class SampleFragment1 : BaseFragment() {

// set the visibility here, it takes care of setting the bottomNavigationView.
override var navigationVisibility = View.VISIBLE

// override var navigationVisibility = View.GONE

override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_sampleFragment1, container, false)

How to hide bottom nav bar in fragment

To access your BottomNavigationView from within the fragments use the following code:

BottomNavigationView navBar = getActivity().findViewById(;

How to remove bottom navigation and tool bar using addOnDestinationChangedListener

Well after experimenting with a lot of stuff I got a solution... there wasn't much to be done a little changing in the code and it worked.
For toolbar:

navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, destination, _ ->
when( {, ->
toolbar.visibility = View.GONE
else -> toolbar.visibility = View.VISIBLE

Similarly, for bottom navigation view we use :

navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, destination, _ ->
when( {, ->
bottomNavigationView.visibility = View.GONE
else -> bottomNavigationView.visibility = View.VISIBLE

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