How to Enable Logcat/Console in Eclipse For Android

How to enable LogCat/Console in Eclipse for Android?

In Eclipse, Goto Window-> Show View -> Other -> Android-> Logcat.

Logcat is nothing but a console of your Emulator or Device.

System.out.println does not work in Android. So you have to handle every thing in Logcat. More Info Look out this Documentation.

Edit 1: System.out.println is working on Logcat. If you use that the Tag will be like System.out and Message will be your message.

How to open LogCat in Eclipse (for Android Debug)

LogCat is located here:

Window > Show View > Other > Android > LogCat

I hope this helps.

Why doesn't logcat show anything in my Android?

Maybe you have Mylyn installed?

How can I see the error log (logcat) for Android in Eclipse?

Sometimes the device gets "out of sync" with eclipse and logcat doesn't show any messages, as you've discovered.

To fix this, try a) going to DDMS and selecting your device; b) closing the logcat tab and creating a new one; c) disconnecting your device and reconnecting it; d) exiting eclipse and restarting it; e) rebooting your device; or f) rebooting your computer, in that order. Usually the problem is fixed by the time you've done a).

What enables the Android Eclipse LogCat?

I also have this problem within Eclipse. If you are lucky enough to not care about what has already been written to LogCat, you can click the "Clear Log" button on the top right next to the V,D,I,W,E buttons.

If you select the device and clear the log, I've found that the output is stable (at least until it fills up again).

Eclipse logcat no logs from Pixel XL, No Debugging, Phone not recognized

It's not about Eclipse version, i used Eclipse Juno, Mars and now using Oxygen. There is no logcat support for Android 7.0 and above in Eclipse. You should use a device with Android below 7.0 like i do or migrate your project to Android Studio.

I had to migrate to Android Studio not only because support for Eclipse is diminishing everyday. You can't use new libraries, such as FusedLocationProvider. You need to get used to working with Android Studio even if you don't like it. Frankly, i don't like Android Studio very much but it's the way it's supposed to be.

Eclipse also does not support MultiDexing which is essential for big projects.

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