How to Access Resource with Dynamic Name in My Case

How to access resource with dynamic name in my case?

int id = getResources().getIdentifier(imageName, type, package);

This will get you the ID of the resource you are looking for. With it, you can then access the resource from the R class.

Using only the name parameter:

You can also include all the 3 info in the "name" parameter using the following format: "package:type/image_name", something like:

int id = getResources().getIdentifier("", null, null);

This is useful when you're working with external components or libraries that you can't, or don't want to, change how getIdentifier() is called. e.g.: AOSP Launcher3

Read a string stored in a resource file (resx) with dynamic file name

Will something like this help in your case?

Dictionary<string, string> resourceMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();

public static void Func(string fileName)
ResXResourceReader rsxr = new ResXResourceReader(fileName);
foreach (DictionaryEntry d in rsxr)

public string GetResource(string resourceId)
return resourceMap[resourceId];

How to access the values from strings.xml dynamically?

Use the method getIdentifier(name, defType, defPackage) of the Resources class to get the id of a resource by name. Then you can do a normal getString(id) from the same class.

EDIT: a bit of Googling revealed this: this. You can find sample usage there.

Dynamic reference to resource files in C#

You'll need to instance a ResourceManager for the Login.resx:

var resman = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(
var text = resman.GetString("resname");

It might help to look at the generated code in the code-behind files of the resource files that are created by the IDE. These files basically contain readonly properties for each resource that makes a query to an internal resource manager.

R.string; get string from dynamic key name

As your resources cannot be dynamically, you could use a switch statement like:

String name = "";
switch (row.getNameKey()) {
case keyName1:
name = getString(R.string.keyName1);
case keyName2:
name = ...

Another approach woould be the getIdentifier method:,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String%29

and see: Android: Accessing string.xml using variable name

DataBinding: How to get resource by dynamic id?

I ended up creating my own method:

public class BindingUtils {

public static String string(int resourceId) {
return MyApplication


Declaring an import for it:


<import type="com.example.BindingUtils" />



And just calling it during binding:


Would be nice to have out-of-the-box method for that. DataBinding is sitll in Beta - so maybe it will come in future.

Getting a string dynamically from strings resources

A little searching did the trick. I have the right ResourceManager available in my strings class:

ResourceManager rm = strings.ResourceManager;
string someString = rm.GetString("someString");

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