Failed to Resolve: Com.Google.Firebase:Firebase-Core:11.2.0

Failed to resolve:

Add maven { url "" } to your root level build.gradle file

allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""

Failed to resolve:

firebase-messaging 16.0.x version seems unavailable, That why we
getting the error

"Failed to resolve:"

In order to fix it keep the other 16.0.x versions as it is

and upgrade 17.x.x versions to the latest

code is given below

def Firebase_Auth_Version = "16.0.5"
def Firebase_Messaging_Version = "17.3.4"

implementation "$Firebase_Messaging_Version"
implementation "$Firebase_Auth_Version"

Error:(26, 13) Failed to resolve:

Update your studio to 3.0 preview and gradle version to

classpath ''

Failed to resolve:

Update Aug 2017

As of version 11.2.0 Firebase and Google Play services dependencies are available via Google's Maven Repo. You no longer need to use the Android SDK manager to import these dependencies.

In your root build.gradle file add the repo:

allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url "" }

If you are using gradle 4.0 or higher you can replace maven { url "" } with just google().

The 9.0.0 version of Firebase was built using Google Play services 9.0 and is now available under the new packaging*

See Release Notes for Google Play services 9.0

New versions of packages Google Play Services (rev 30) and Google Repository (rev 26) were just released in the SDK manager so it's likely you just need to update.

Downloading Google Play Services and Google Repository

From Android Studio:

  1. Click Tools > Android > SDK Manager.
  2. Click into the SDK Tools tab.
  3. Select and install Google Play Services (rev 30) and Google Repository (rev 26). See the image below.
  4. Sync and Build your project.

Sample Image

From IntelliJ IDEA:

As of April 2017, the latest versions of Google Play Services and Repository are listed below.

  1. Click Tools > Android > SDK Manager.
  2. Under the Packages panel, Look for the Extras.
  3. Select and install Google Play Services (rev 39) and Google Repository (rev 46). See the image below.
  4. Perform a gradle project sync and Build your project.

Updated image of the SDK Manager as of April 2017

Failed to resolve:

Update compileSdkVersion to at least 26. From,

"When you upgrade your app’s Play services dependencies to 11.2.0 or later, your app’s build.gradle must also be updated to specify a compileSdkVersion of at least 26 (Android O)."

Failed to resolve implementation ''

Change this:

classpath ''
implementation ''

into this:

classpath ''
implementation ''


Here in this case using firebase-messaging:15.0.2 with google-services:4.0.1 would work, since the most important thing was updating google-services above 3.2.0, and that's because google-services:3.3.0 is needed to be able to use the firebase library from version 15.0 and above. You can check this blog post. that explains the changes in versioning of firebase libraries.

But it is still better to update the google-services plugin to prevent any other errors with other dependencies.


The versions less than 15.0.0 are in google maven repository, so you can use them in gradle. But, you cannot mix version 15.0.0 with a version less than 15.0.0 and use google play services 4.0.1, as said in my answer here. That's why it is better to update firebase libraries to the latest versions.

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