Converting Edittext to Int - Android

Get int Value Of EditText

First, make sure that your EditText has an id in your layout file.

android:width="220px" />

Next, in your activity, make sure you have the following code, it doesn't have to be in your onCreate() method as the EditText will have an empty value. But the same basic principals apply;

EditText FirstInput;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

FirstInput = (EditText)findViewById(;
int firstValue = Integer.parseInt(FirstInput.getText().toString());
}catch(Exception e){
// Do something to handle the error;

How do I return an int from EditText? (Android)

For now, use an EditText. Use android:inputType="number" to force it to be numeric. Convert the resulting string into an integer (e.g., Integer.parseInt(myEditText.getText().toString())).

In the future, you might consider a NumberPicker widget, once that becomes available (slated to be in Honeycomb).

Converting EditText into Int

Use this:

int userweight = int.Parse(userWeight.getText().toString());

int bmi;
int intuserweight;
int intuserheight;

    btnBMI.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
intuserweight = int.Parse(userWeight.Text.ToString());
intuserheight = int.Parse(userHeight.Text.ToString());

bmi = intuserweight / (intuserheight * intuserheight);
string toast = string.Format("Your BMI is: ", bmi);
Toast.MakeText(this, toast, ToastLength.Long).Show();

Try this. Sorry for any syntactical errors(if any) as I am a Java guy not much in C#. And donot forget to tell if it works.

Convert String obtained from edittext to Integer in Kotlin language

You can use .toInt():

val myNumber: Int = "25".toInt()

Note that it throws a NumberFormatException if the content of the String is not a valid integer.

If you don't like this behavior, you can use .toIntOrNull() instead (since Kotlin 1.1):

val myNumOrNull: Int? = "25".toIntOrNull()

Converting Empty EditText to Integer Android Studio

Use toIntOrNull() instead. Instead of throwing an exception on invalid input, it returns null. Then you can use the Elvis operator to provide the default to use when it's null.

val userAge = ageInput.text.toString().toIntOrNull() ?: 0

You should avoid the Java primitive wrapper classes like Integer when using Kotlin.

Android Getting a int from a edit text?

1. You will never get an int from EditText, InputType is provided to provide you with the correct softKeyboard...

2. You can convert the text from EditText in to integer using this..

int i = Integer.parseInt(editText.getText().toString());

moreover setText will expect you to provide it with a String.... so you need to do this...


toString() only works with Object types, and as you have declared myNum as int, which is a primitive type.... you need to use + ""

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