Call from Second Sim

Call from second sim

This seems to work on a large range of dual sim devices as Motorola, Micromax, HTC, Samsung

intent.putExtra("", 0); //For sim 1


intent.putExtra("", 1); //For sim 2

and if doesn't work try this, In Samsung S duos this works just fine.

intent.putExtra("simSlot", 0); //For sim 1


intent.putExtra("simSlot", 1); //For sim 2

unfortunately for these things we have to get into hit/trial mode as no official documentation is there for dual-sim support.

Making a call from a dual sim android device using adb

SIM Card is just a container. The name of the entity being used by the phone to register with the network and to make calls is SubscriberID. A single SIM Card may contain multiple SubscriberIDs.

So instead of asking how to make a call from another SIM Card you should be asking how to make a call using SubscriberID other than the default one - whether this other SubscriberID is stored on the same or another SIM Card is mostly irrelevant.

I do not know if there is a way to specify a different SubscriberID for a single call. But you should be fine with setting a new default SubscriberID before the call and then reverting it back afterwards.

To find out the current ID value run:

adb shell settings get global multi_sim_voice_call

Then change the active Subscriber via UI and run the command again to get another ID.

Use this command to switch to the appropriate ID before calling:

adb shell settings put global multi_sim_voice_call <ID>

To change data call settings - use multi_sim_data_call instead of multi_sim_voice_call.

Detecting target SimCard of incoming call in Multi-Sim devices

Officially, the only documented value provided by the intent is the phone number.

Some constructors add other values like sim slot number in the intent, but this is not mandatory. This is why there are so many slot keys names possible, like those presented in post 3, each constructor adding his own implementation.

It's also possible some constructor didn't add this value in some models, and that's certainly the case on your model. There is no way of finding this value if the constructor don't deliver it.

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