App Links Intent Filters in Assetlinks.JSON Not Working on Android

Can't link Android app with Digital Asset Link since app doesn't have a signature

I managed to find the solution to my problem. Turns out my intent-filter had multiple empty data tags which seemed to prevent my app to detect the website.

I forgot to specify that I'm my app's AndroidManifest is built by Cordova since I'm using Ionic. So I cannot edit my AndroidManifest directly. I have to use the ionic-plugin-deeplinks plugin.

The problem is, the ionic plugin generates an intent-filter with the data given in the package.json with the following format.

"cordova": {
"plugins": {
"ionic-plugin-deeplinks": {
"URL_SCHEME": "my-url-scheme",

This format is automatically generated by the plugin and adds multiple host/scheme/prefix to allow support of multiple addresses. However I'm using only one address, so when I'm generating the AndroidManifest with the plugin, it generates an intent-filter with many empty data tags in it.

<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:host="" android:pathPrefix="/" android:scheme="https" />
<data android:host=" " android:pathPrefix="/" android:scheme=" " />
<data android:host=" " android:pathPrefix="/" android:scheme=" " />
<data android:host=" " android:pathPrefix="/" android:scheme=" " />
<data android:host=" " android:pathPrefix="/" android:scheme=" " />

As of now the only way I managed to remove the extra data tags was to fork the plugin's repository and remove the package.json extra properties from the plugin. It looks like this:

"cordova": {
"plugins": {
"ionic-plugin-deeplinks": {
"URL_SCHEME": "my-url-scheme",

Which generates this intent-filter that is working has intented:

<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:host="" android:pathPrefix="/" android:scheme="https" />

Android app links intent-filter with wildcard subdomain not verified

So the problem was, that assetlinks.json was stored under
which turned out to be a different place from

Using wildcard subdomain app tried to verify 2 domains: and And failed with the second, what failed the verification in general.

Basically, was reached via chain of redirections Sample Image

This is why it seemed to me, that was present.

And app links documentation says:

The assetlinks.json file must be accessible without any redirects (no
301 or 302 redirects).

So if you want to use wildcard subdomains, make sure to locate your assetlinks.json
under exactly domain

App-Linking in Android, assetlinks.json, IIS, can not get it work

It works now.

The wrong I did was by mistake add the "http://" DataScheme to the DataHost in the IntentFilter attribute in MainActivity class.
Sample Image

I juste removed it and everything works, now it looks like this when I run the command to see my app listed:

Sample Image

(Command: adb shell dumpsys package domain-preferred-apps)

Flutter android 12 deep link is not working

I found this issue go to browser inspect and go to network and there check content-type and its issue in server don't have permission to content-type json file permission.

in server /opt/lampp/etc httpd.config

ou can use the following code in your httpd.conf if you have access, or even your .htaccess , to force Apache, to send an UTF-8 encoding header.

AddType 'application/json;' .json

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