Android Studio - Xml Editor Autocomplete Not Working With Support Libraries

Android Studio - XML Editor autocomplete not working with support libraries

I have tried a lot of things (restart Android Studio, PC, Invalidate Caches, Power Saver mode,...).

Finally, deleting the .idea folder and all .iml files from the project, restarting Android Studio, and rebuilding Gradle did the trick. Autocomplete in XML support library is working again.

Checking out files from Version Control or copying all the source files in a new project would do the trick as well.

Android studio xml Editor Auto Complete is not working

Few tricks :

1.Clean and Run

File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart... -> Select Invalidate and Restart

2.Turned off Power Save

File -> Power Save Mode

3. Delete .idea folder and all .iml and rebuild.

4.If this still didn't do the work,try changing your custom view's name to its original android view temporarily and use autocomplete inside, and then revert the view to its custom name.

How to fix No Suggestion on ctrl+space on xml file android studio?

Normally, you will not get suggestions until your project is rightly indexed. So before the indexing is complete, you will see this problem. Once the indexing of files is complete, you should be able to see the suggestions.

However, if the indexing is complete and you still do not get the suggestion, I would like to recommend to install the latest version of Android Studio again and do not import any settings from your previous version.

You can also try looking for if the Power Saving Mode and invalidating the cache. This post addresses the same issue I think where you might have a look as well.

(Android Studio) XML Autocomplete not working in including module

It's been months since I asked this question and I finally found the root cause of this issue

My compileSdkVersion and support-v4 library are not match, they were 23 and 21

Set them to be the same version resolve the issue.

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