Android Device Monitor "Data" Folder Is Empty

Android Studio DDMS can't open /data folder in an emulator phone

open DDMS with administrator previlledges. Had same issue and it solved it.
Fastest means to doing this is opening android studio with administrator previledges and opening DDMS from there.

otherwise, have a look at this link Android device monitor

Can't unfold 'data' folder in Android Device Monitor

For ease of access you can create your database in mobile phone sd card or external storage also. By this way you can easily access database file.

You can do it like this

    public DatabaseHelper(final Context context) {
//super(context, DATABASE_NAME , null, 1); //for default location
super(context, Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
+ File.separator + FILE_DIR
+ File.separator + DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

How to access data/data folder in Android device?

Accessing the files directly on your phone is difficult, but you may be able to copy them to your computer where you can do anything you want with it.
Without rooting you have 2 options:

  1. If the application is debuggable you can use the run-as command in adb shell

    adb shell
    run-as com.your.packagename
    cp /data/data/com.your.packagename/
  2. Alternatively you can use Android's backup function.

    adb backup -noapk com.your.packagename

    You will now be prompted to 'unlock your device and confirm the backup operation'. It's best NOT to provide a password, otherwise it becomes more difficult to read the data. Just click on 'backup my data'. The resulting 'backup.ab' file on your computer contains all application data in android backup format. Basically it's a compressed tar file. This page explains how you can use OpenSSL's zlib command to uncompress it.
    You can use the adb restore backup.db command to restore the backup.

Android Studios: Android Device Manager shows no files for Nougat 7.0 in File Explorer

There's nothing wrong with me (good sign of validation) but a problem with the emulators targeting Android 24 or 25.

Issue re-reported back in Oct '16: Faith that Google will resolve this issue as soon as possible.

For now, the solution is to run your emulator using API 23 and there should be no problem accessing the File Explorer with the data using Android Device Manager.


Android Device Monitor File Explorer not working with emulator running API 24+

Till Android Lollypop emulators, we can access the file explorer folders. If the emulator is created with marshmallow or higher, we cant access the file explorer. May be this is bug from API level 24+.

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