Android Button Background Is Taking the Primary Color

Why is my button taking colorPrimary as the default background color?

Use app:backgroundTint in your layout XML. It will change the color of the background from the primary color of the app

is there anyway to change background image (not color) of button from xml in android studio 4.2.2?

Try this code


Android Button background color not changing

I think you need to change your attribute from "theme" to "style". These files are intended for different things, so are used differently.

Style is used to assign attributes to individual views or components, and Theme is used to apply attributes to the entire app.

So try this instead:

<!-- This attribute was changed -->
android:onClick="login" />

You should also split these different types of XML into the correct files as appropriate (styles.xml and themes.xml - instead of keeping them all in the same file). This is convention, and won't effect the code compilation or execution, but is recommended as a code style.

Android material button taking color primary instead of color accent

You can check the official doc.

The filled button has the backgroundTint based on the colorPrimary.

Also in your buttonView style you should extend one of the provided styles:

Default style           Widget.MaterialComponents.Button
Icon style Widget.MaterialComponents.Button.Icon
Unelevated style. Widget.MaterialComponents.Button.UnelevatedButton
Unelevated icon style Widget.MaterialComponents.Button.UnelevatedButton.Icon


<style name="buttonView" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Button">


If you want to change the background color you can:

  • Use the backgroundTint attribute in your custom style

  • Override the colorPrimary attribute in your custom style using the materialThemeOverlay (best solution)


<style name="buttonView"parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Button">
<item name="materialThemeOverlay">@style/CustomButtonThemeOverlay</item>

<style name="CustomButtonThemeOverlay">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/...</item>

Android button background color

If you want to keep the general styling (rounded corners etc.) and just change the background color then I use the backgroundTint property


Given button color not showing but showing a color in colors file in android studio

As you shared your app theme parent is Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.DarkActionBar

so Your button behave like, MaterialButton so please set backgroundTint as "null"

Android Background Drawable Not Working in Button Since Android Studio 4.1

The Android Studio 4.1 new-project wizard, for many of its templates, has the project use the Material Components for Android library. And, it sets up the default theme to be based on Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.DarkActionBar.

A side effect of this is that any <Button> elements in a layout get turned into MaterialButton widgets, not regular Button widgets. MaterialButton ignores android:background.

If all you want to do is to change the color, use android:backgroundTint or change the colorPrimary attribute in the theme.

If you want a button that has a custom background, and your theme is set up to use Theme.MaterialComponents, you could switch the XML element in the layout to be <android.widget.Button> instead of <Button>. This should cause the Material Components for Android to ignore that element, and you can manipulate this button normally with respect to XML attributes.

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