Android Asynctask Sending Callbacks to Ui

android asynctask sending callbacks to ui

You can create an interface, pass it to AsyncTask (in constructor), and then call method in onPostExecute()

For example:

Your interface:

public interface OnTaskCompleted{
void onTaskCompleted();

Your Activity:

public class YourActivity implements OnTaskCompleted{
// your Activity

And your AsyncTask:

public class YourTask extends AsyncTask<Object,Object,Object>{ //change Object to required type
private OnTaskCompleted listener;

public YourTask(OnTaskCompleted listener){

// required methods

protected void onPostExecute(Object o){
// your stuff


Since this answer got quite popular, I want to add some things.

If you're a new to Android development, AsyncTask is a fast way to make things work without blocking UI thread. It does solves some problems indeed, there is nothing wrong with how the class works itself. However, it brings some implications, such as:

  • Possibility of memory leaks. If you keep reference to your Activity, it will stay in memory even after user left the screen (or rotated the device).
  • AsyncTask is not delivering result to Activity if Activity was already destroyed. You have to add extra code to manage all this stuff or do you operations twice.
  • Convoluted code which does everything in Activity

When you feel that you matured enough to move on with Android, take a look at this article which, I think, is a better way to go for developing your Android apps with asynchronous operations.

Callback from asynctask back to activity

you can create an interface to make a callback.


create a class AsyncTaskMessage:

public class AsyncTaskMessage extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

Context context;
public OnMessageListener mListener;

public interface OnMessageListener {
void messageCallback(ArrayList<String> messageList); // you can change the parameter here. depends on what you want.

public AsyncTaskMessage(Context context) {
this.context = context;
mListener = (OnMessageListener) context;

public void onPreExecute() {


protected void onPostExecute() {
// your code goes here for the callback.
// messageList - A list of messages.

then your MessageCentre class:

public class MessageCentre {

Context context;
public void MessageCentre(Context context) {
this.context = context;

public void getMessages(int id) {
// You said your asyncTask goes here.
AsyncTaskMessage async = new AsyncTaskMessage(context);

then your activity where the ArrayAdapter

// A class where your ArrrayAdapter.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements AsyncTaskMessage.OnMessageListener {


public void displayMessage() {
MessageCentre centre = new MessageCentre(this);

public void messageCallback(ArrayList<String> messageList) {
Log.i("MainActivity", "Response: " + messageList.toString());
ArrayAdapter a = new ArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(),, messageList);

create new async task with sending callback to ui

The activity should implement the receiver and the async task should call it, something like this:

public class MyActivity extends Activity implements CallbackReceiver{

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Set everything up

MyAsyncTask task = new MyAsyncTask();

public void onReceiveData(String data){
//Do something with the data

Then, in the async task, you can call the receiver method in onPostExecute

public abstract class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, String>{

private CallbackReciever receiver = null;

public void setOnDataReceivedListener(CallbackReciever receiver){
this.receiver = receiver

protected void onPostExecute(String file_url)
if(receiver != null){

The second way to do this is to simply make an anonymous inner class of your async task and override onPostExecute:

public class MyActivity extends Activity implements CallbackReceiver{

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Set everything up

MyAsyncTask task = new MyAsyncTask(){
protected void onPostExecute(String file_url){
//Do what you want with your data here


Creating a callback function using AsyncTask

If you want to utilize a callback for an AsyncTask you can handle it via the following.

Do something like this (modifying your code to add what is below)

public class DataCollectClass extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, JSONObject> {

public interface OnDataCollectedCallback{
void onDataCollected(JSONObject data);

private OnDataCollectedCallback mCallback;

public DataCollectClass(OnDataCollectedCallback callback){
mCallback = callback;

// your code that is already there

public onPostExecute(JSONObject response){
if(mCallback != null)

Then to make the magic happen

new DataCollectClass(new OnDataCollectedCallback() {
public void onDataCollected(JSONObject data) {
if(data != null)
// DO something with your data
}).execute(requestURI, formVars);

However, it is worth noting, most networking libraries, including OkHttp, handle background threads internally, and include callbacks to utilize with the requests.

This also implements a custom interface, so others may be able to see how you could use this for any AsyncTask.

Asynctask (execute from alarmmanager) callbacks to ui

Firstly I'd recommend using an IntentService instead of an AsyncTask.

Secondly, create an inner class in your main activity which extends BroadcastReceiver.

Register an instance of the inner BroadcastReceiver in onResume() of your Activity and unregister it in onPause().

Have your first BroadcastReceiver start the IntentService and have the IntentService send a broadcast which the inner BroadcastReceiver of your Activity will be listening for if the Activity is running - the inner BroadcastReceiver can then create the progress bar.

When the IntentService finishes what it needs to do get it to send another broadcast to indicate that the progress bar should be dismissed.

UI working problem in async task in Android

I solved the problem just as follows by myself.

Thank you for your help.

how can i call back my parent activity in Asynctask

In the OnPostExecute method of the AsyncTask, start the new activity via an Intent and pass the loaded data along to it.

protected void onPostExecute(String data) {
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, WhateverActivityToStart.class);
intent.putExtra("SOME_DATA", data);

You'll need to get familiar with starting an activity and passing data between activities

Android: Callback AsyncTask to Fragment(Not Activity)

Without taking your code in consideration I will post the most essential to make a functional callback.


public class TestFragment extends Fragment {

/* Skipping most code and I will only show you the most essential. */
private void methodThatStartsTheAsyncTask() {
TestAsyncTask testAsyncTask = new TestAsyncTask(new FragmentCallback() {

public void onTaskDone() {


private void methodThatDoesSomethingWhenTaskIsDone() {
/* Magic! */

public interface FragmentCallback {
public void onTaskDone();


public class TestAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
private FragmentCallback mFragmentCallback;

public TestAsyncTask(FragmentCallback fragmentCallback) {
mFragmentCallback = fragmentCallback;

protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
/* Do your thing. */
return null;

protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {

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