Android App Bundle with In-App Locale Change

Android App Bundle with in-app locale change


The PlayCore API now supports downloading the strings for another language on-demand:

Alternative solution (discouraged):

You can disable the splitting by language by adding the following configuration in your build.gradle

android {
bundle {
language {
// Specifies that the app bundle should not support
// configuration APKs for language resources. These
// resources are instead packaged with each base and
// dynamic feature APK.
enableSplit = false

This latter solution will increase the size of the app.

Handle dynamic language change within the app on android app bundle

AFAIK you can do it by using the bundle block to control which types of configuration APKs you want your app bundle to support.

Based on the documentation:

android {

bundle {
language {
// Specifies that the app bundle should not support
// configuration APKs for language resources. These
// resources are instead packaged with each base and
// dynamic feature APK.
enableSplit = false

Xamarin.Android - Can't change app locale after Google Play release

I finally managed to found a solution and fix my issue.

First, I have added this file BundleConfig.json to my project.

"optimizations": {
"splitsConfig": {
"splitDimension": [{
"value": "LANGUAGE",
"negate": true

Second, I edited my project's csproj file, adding a AndroidBundleConfigurationFile item under the release PropertyGroup.

  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">

Then, I saved the solution, recreated my aab bundle, and locales were being changed correctly on release mode.


How does an app Bundle handle Language changes?

If the app is foreground when the download finishes, Play Store will not install the additional language, because that would kill the app. Instead, the installation will happen at some point later.

Using Android App Bundle how do i get the system to download a new language when the system language is changed

It can take a little while (usually around 24 hours) for the Play Store to catch up with the language change. If you're okay with that delay, then you don't need to do anything.

Otherwise you can use the code provided in the official sample to guide you in your own implementation.

Change language programatically in Android not working for APK generated from App bundle format


The PlayCore API now supports downloading the strings for another language on-demand:

I found the solution here. Copying from there

For the time being, you can disable the splitting by language by adding the following configuration in your build.gradle

android {
bundle {
language {
// Specifies that the app bundle should not support
// configuration APKs for language resources. These
// resources are instead packaged with each base and
// dynamic feature APK.
enableSplit = false

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