Android 2.1 Programmatically Unmount Sdcard

Android 2.1 programmatically unmount SDCard

You should unmount what's using the sdcard in the proper order, for example

umount /mnt/sdcard/.android_secure
umount /mnt/sdcard

or, probably synchronizing the buffers with the filesystem would be enough

sync; sync

How to safely remove SD card programmatically on Android

You need to take the user to the device's built-in Settings. I think this will work.

    Intent i = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_MEMORY_CARD_SETTINGS);

Unmounting the SD card is one of those actions which could be used maliciously if it wasn't under full user control. If it could be done purely in software (without user intervention) then code could disrupt other apps running on the device.

Android Camera App - Have to Remount SD Card?

You can't mount/unmount the SD card (external storage) from an app. You probably need to call media scanner to get your picture indexed. Look at here and here for pointers. There is also an sample app that comes with the SDK. BTW, what Android version are you testing on?

Delete a folder on SD card

You have to have all the directory empty before deleting the directory itself, see here

In Android, you should have the proper permissions as well - WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in your manifest.

EDIT: for convenience I copied the code here, but it is still from the link above

public static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
if( path.exists() ) {
File[] files = path.listFiles();
if (files == null) {
return true;
for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
if(files[i].isDirectory()) {
else {
return( path.delete() );

How to delete a file from SD card

File file = new File(selectedFilePath);
boolean deleted = file.delete();

where selectedFilePath is the path of the file you want to delete - for example:


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