Adb Server Version Doesn't Match This Client

adb server version (40) doesn't match this client (41)

Please invalidate the cache and restart the android studio.

adb server version (40) doesn't match this client (41); killing

In my case the problem occurred because of two ADB paths. I actually moved my Android SDK (due to lack of space in system drive) from one path to another and set up the environment variables accordingly. Starting and killing the server didn't help so I followed this thread in GitHub

But unlike that thread, instead of replacing the files in scrcpy folder, I replaced the files in C:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion\toolscopied the files from sdk\platform-tools

replaced the files in the Genymobile\Genymotion\tools

And it started working after that

adb server version (41) doesn't match this client (39)

You can be used to uninstall an app via your PC. It will solve your issue.

1. First step: select File-> Invalidate caches / Restart

2. Second step: open a command terminal and run the below command changing the package name.

3. Final step: Now run your app

replace: < > with your < package name >

adb uninstall ""

ADB server version (36) doesn't match this client (39); killing

In my case this error occured when I set up my environment adb path as ~/.android-sdk/platform-tools (which happens when e.g. android-platform-tools is installed via homebrew), which version was 36, but Android Studio project has Android SDK next path ~/Library/Android/sdk which adb version was 39.

I have changed my PATH to platform-tools to ~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools and error was solved

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